Utility NFTs & Economy

MAD Energy

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MAD Energy

MAD Energy, which stands for Malicious And Destructive, are the credits that can be earned through in-game participation and other initiatives that support the ecosystem. These credits are primarily emitted from the Mad Droids, once a player has successfully captured and reprogrammed them to commit good deeds. MAD credits can then be utilized in-game or through the Mad Droids platform to purchase, upgrade, and provide discounts on other features. MAD Energy are the in-game soft currency and not blockchain-backed assets or fungible tokens.

Use Cases

In some cases, a combination of both DROID Tokens and MAD Energy will be used in-game to help enhance the developer's journey and improve their powers. Use cases in which only MAD Energy are required will be crafting items, upgrading items, and reducing cooldowns (including Droid Maintenance).

Gameplay: character level ups, crafting items, upgrading items, reduced cooldowns Accessibility: unlock new areas or regions Discounts: on Mad Droids products & marketplace

Ways to Acquire

  • Capturing Droids & Reprogramming Them
  • Selling/Trading NFTs on the Marketplace for MAD Energy
  • Tournaments & Special Events